All men experience erection problems on occasion, so don't panic when it happens to you. But it loos of potency occurs on a regular basis and it's upsetting your life, definitely talk to your doctor. Safe and effective remedies are available.
What is happening
Most men don't think about how an erection happens---until it doesn't. Deeply unsetting, erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence, is actually quite common, affecting a third of men over age 50. An erection usually occurs when a men gets sexually aroused, setting off a cascade of chemical reactions in the nervous system. Arteries widen and relax, increasing blood flow to the penis up to 30-fold and causing it to swell. Veins that normally draw blood away constrict, so that blood is held there and the penis remains erect. After arousal, an enzyme called PDES helps reverse this process, returning the penis to a flaccid state.
Not so long ago, if you had erectile problems, your doctor would probably have attributed it to stress or performance ('honeymoon') anxiety: Today, experts believe 80 percent of cases have medical causes. Anything that diminshes blood flow to the pents can contribute to ED. Atherosclerosis (or 'hardening of the arteries') and
diabetes are common culprits. Drug side effects, particularly from blood pressure pills and antidepressants, can also reduce potency. Prostate surgery, radiation treatments for cancer, hormonal imbalances, injuries and nerve disorders such as Parkinson's disease are among the other conditions that may be involved.
Also, because this condition is fraught with emotional repercussions, it is not surprising that many men with ED become anxious or depressed, lending a psychological component to ED as well.
Until a few years ago, treatments for ED tended to complex, and few men talked about them. The fanfare over the drug Viagra changed all that. It was the first of a group of drugs known as PDES inhibitors. Vigra and the newer
PDES inhibitors, Cialis and Levitra, are the treatment of choice for most impotent men because they're easy to use, generally safe and very effective. Various other treatments are also available, and may be preferable for some. These include injectable medications, vacuum devices and implants.Counselling helps many men as well as relaxation and exercise.
If bike riding is your passion, take heed. Studies have found that some bike seats press on pelvic artery nerves, putting make cyclists who ride more than five hours a week at an increased risk for developing ED. Seals that are disigned with special grooves are available to prevent this problem.
Discovered by accident when researchers noticed that men taking all experiment drug for heart disease had erections as a side effect, Viagra (sildenfil) revloutionsed the treatment of ED. The first truly successful pill for
Treatment Options
Viagra, Cialis and Levitra Safe, widely used, very effective.
Hormones Testosterone to increase sex drive.
Alprostadil Delivered as shots or insertable pellets.
Pump devices Create vacuum, drawing blood to penis.
Implants Semirigid or inflatable rods placed in penis.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Surgery Good for correctable blood vessel problems.
Counselling Complements medical treatment.
Supplements Herbs and the amino acid arginine.
Relaxation techniques De-stress with meditation, yoga, massage
Diet & exercise Relieve stress, aid vascular health.
impotence , Viagra have been shown to help whether your problem stems from physical or psychological causes. In tests, 70 percent of men with ED who took the drug were able to have sexual intercourse. The newer drugs, Cialis and Levistra, are equally effective.
It's important to note that these drugs work on the mechanics of erections, but not on your sexual interest. If you have little or no sex drive, hormone imbalances may be to blame. Your doctor may test your levels of testosterone and if they are low you may be offered the harmone via injections. If you don't respond to PDES inhibitors, you may benefit from a blood-vessel-widening drug called alprostadil (Caverject), which is injected directly into the
penis. It sounds painful, but many men do become comfortable with the technique. In one study, almost a third of
Words such as 'secret formulas', scientific breakthroughs' and 'miracle cures' are the lures unscrupulous con artists often use to reel in susceptible men eager to boost their potency. One particular herbal formula advertised on the internet, for instance, promises longer-lasting and firmer erections, and the enlarging of your organ by up to 4.8 cm---when you continue to use their product. Others devices offered in a variety of magazines make similar claims.
There's no evidence, to back up such assertions. If you use a vaccum device to achieve an erection, make sure you buy it through a good source. Some mail-order shops sell potentially harmful devices that lack a pressure release valve and other safety features. Sadly, thousands of men every year undergo unneeded and unproven surgery for penile enlargement or enhancement procedures that don't work and, worse may leave them maimed and in pain. Gimmicks are useless and surgery is serious medicine. If the offer sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
those who had successfully tried Viagra and injectable drugs opted for the latter because they preferred the quality of their erections. One rare but potentially dangerous side effect is priapism, which is a persistent, painful erection requiring emergency care. A system called MUSE, which inserts alprostadil pellets into the penis tip, is an effective alternative to injections.
>TRY A BEDTIME `POSTAGE STAMP` TEST. Encircle your penis with postage stamps from a roll, gluing the ends. If night-time erections occur, the stamps will be torn in the morning, indicating that your problems are likely to be temporary.
Mechanical pump devices that create a vacuum around the penis, drawing blood into the organ, may be an effective option for achieving erection. An elastic band is placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection. An elastic band is placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection. Surgical implants can restore erections by placing semi-rigid or inflatable rods into the penis. Although rarely used, surgery to correct blood vessel problems may be effective, especially for younger men who have had injuries to the penis.
Even if the cause of your ED is purely physical, you may benefit from psychological counselling. Seeing a counsellor can enhance the effects of medical treatments and help you resolve work, family or money issues that
may be diminishing your sexual enjoyment. Engaging your partner in therapy sessions may also be beneficial. A sex therapist can address issues about performance or embrassment.
Natural methods
Natural substances that enhance blood flow and protect blood vessels may also be helpful. Candidates include the herb ginkgo biloba (80 mg three times a day) or the nitric-oxide-enhancing amino acid arginine (500 mg L-arginine three times a day). Learning to relax is an effective and risk-free way to enhance your sex life. Meditation, massage or yoga can all help you unwind. Exercise is also an excellent stress-reliever and, along with a heart-healthy diet, promotes blood vessel health. The same health measures that protect the blood vessels to your heart also protect the vascular health of your sex organs.
What is happening
Most men don't think about how an erection happens---until it doesn't. Deeply unsetting, erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence, is actually quite common, affecting a third of men over age 50. An erection usually occurs when a men gets sexually aroused, setting off a cascade of chemical reactions in the nervous system. Arteries widen and relax, increasing blood flow to the penis up to 30-fold and causing it to swell. Veins that normally draw blood away constrict, so that blood is held there and the penis remains erect. After arousal, an enzyme called PDES helps reverse this process, returning the penis to a flaccid state.
Not so long ago, if you had erectile problems, your doctor would probably have attributed it to stress or performance ('honeymoon') anxiety: Today, experts believe 80 percent of cases have medical causes. Anything that diminshes blood flow to the pents can contribute to ED. Atherosclerosis (or 'hardening of the arteries') and
diabetes are common culprits. Drug side effects, particularly from blood pressure pills and antidepressants, can also reduce potency. Prostate surgery, radiation treatments for cancer, hormonal imbalances, injuries and nerve disorders such as Parkinson's disease are among the other conditions that may be involved.
Also, because this condition is fraught with emotional repercussions, it is not surprising that many men with ED become anxious or depressed, lending a psychological component to ED as well.
- Consultation with your doctor to determine the cause of your impotence.
- Medications (such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra) may be prescribed.
- Counselling to ease anxiety or depression, which may be contributing to your problem.
- Lifestyle measures such as relaxation techniques to counter stress, and exercise to boost vascular health.
- Could my ED be caused by medications I am talking?
- What do I do about my declining interest in Sex?
- Could we discuss options with my partner?
- Will I have to use injection?
- Would surgery be a good choice for me?
Until a few years ago, treatments for ED tended to complex, and few men talked about them. The fanfare over the drug Viagra changed all that. It was the first of a group of drugs known as PDES inhibitors. Vigra and the newer
PDES inhibitors, Cialis and Levitra, are the treatment of choice for most impotent men because they're easy to use, generally safe and very effective. Various other treatments are also available, and may be preferable for some. These include injectable medications, vacuum devices and implants.Counselling helps many men as well as relaxation and exercise.
If bike riding is your passion, take heed. Studies have found that some bike seats press on pelvic artery nerves, putting make cyclists who ride more than five hours a week at an increased risk for developing ED. Seals that are disigned with special grooves are available to prevent this problem.
Discovered by accident when researchers noticed that men taking all experiment drug for heart disease had erections as a side effect, Viagra (sildenfil) revloutionsed the treatment of ED. The first truly successful pill for
Treatment Options
Viagra, Cialis and Levitra Safe, widely used, very effective.
Hormones Testosterone to increase sex drive.
Alprostadil Delivered as shots or insertable pellets.
Pump devices Create vacuum, drawing blood to penis.
Implants Semirigid or inflatable rods placed in penis.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Surgery Good for correctable blood vessel problems.
Counselling Complements medical treatment.
Supplements Herbs and the amino acid arginine.
Relaxation techniques De-stress with meditation, yoga, massage
Diet & exercise Relieve stress, aid vascular health.
impotence , Viagra have been shown to help whether your problem stems from physical or psychological causes. In tests, 70 percent of men with ED who took the drug were able to have sexual intercourse. The newer drugs, Cialis and Levistra, are equally effective.
- Talk to your doctor. Don't be embarrassed. Medical help is available. Your GP can also refer you to a urologist, at specialist in problems of the urinary tract.
- Share concerns with your partner. Treatment for ED is often most sucessful when couples work at it together.
- Stop smoking. Smokers are nearly twice as likely to suffer from ED as no smokers. And smokers with high blood pressure are 26 times more likely to have the problem.
- Drink in moderation. An alcoholic drink can loosen inhibitions, but more than one can impair potency.
- Exercise. One report noted inactive men are more likely to have ED than those who exercise 30 minutes a day.
- The newer drugs differ from Viagra in the following ways: Cialis (tadalafil) works in 15 to 30 minutes and lasts for 24 hours or more. (Viagra takes 30 to 60 minutes to take effect and lasts for 4 to 6 hours.) Cialis is also unaffected by food and alcohol. The latest drug, Levitra (vardenafil), is more selective for PDES receptors so it is less likely that there will be side effects. It may also be effective for men who have diabetes or who are recovering from prostate surgery.
- An alternative drug is in the pipeline for men who don't respond to Viagra or who take nitrates for the heart. Apomorphine increases levels of a brain chemical called dopamine.
It's important to note that these drugs work on the mechanics of erections, but not on your sexual interest. If you have little or no sex drive, hormone imbalances may be to blame. Your doctor may test your levels of testosterone and if they are low you may be offered the harmone via injections. If you don't respond to PDES inhibitors, you may benefit from a blood-vessel-widening drug called alprostadil (Caverject), which is injected directly into the
penis. It sounds painful, but many men do become comfortable with the technique. In one study, almost a third of
Words such as 'secret formulas', scientific breakthroughs' and 'miracle cures' are the lures unscrupulous con artists often use to reel in susceptible men eager to boost their potency. One particular herbal formula advertised on the internet, for instance, promises longer-lasting and firmer erections, and the enlarging of your organ by up to 4.8 cm---when you continue to use their product. Others devices offered in a variety of magazines make similar claims.
There's no evidence, to back up such assertions. If you use a vaccum device to achieve an erection, make sure you buy it through a good source. Some mail-order shops sell potentially harmful devices that lack a pressure release valve and other safety features. Sadly, thousands of men every year undergo unneeded and unproven surgery for penile enlargement or enhancement procedures that don't work and, worse may leave them maimed and in pain. Gimmicks are useless and surgery is serious medicine. If the offer sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
those who had successfully tried Viagra and injectable drugs opted for the latter because they preferred the quality of their erections. One rare but potentially dangerous side effect is priapism, which is a persistent, painful erection requiring emergency care. A system called MUSE, which inserts alprostadil pellets into the penis tip, is an effective alternative to injections.
>TRY A BEDTIME `POSTAGE STAMP` TEST. Encircle your penis with postage stamps from a roll, gluing the ends. If night-time erections occur, the stamps will be torn in the morning, indicating that your problems are likely to be temporary.
Mechanical pump devices that create a vacuum around the penis, drawing blood into the organ, may be an effective option for achieving erection. An elastic band is placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection. An elastic band is placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection. Surgical implants can restore erections by placing semi-rigid or inflatable rods into the penis. Although rarely used, surgery to correct blood vessel problems may be effective, especially for younger men who have had injuries to the penis.
Even if the cause of your ED is purely physical, you may benefit from psychological counselling. Seeing a counsellor can enhance the effects of medical treatments and help you resolve work, family or money issues that
may be diminishing your sexual enjoyment. Engaging your partner in therapy sessions may also be beneficial. A sex therapist can address issues about performance or embrassment.
Natural methods
Natural substances that enhance blood flow and protect blood vessels may also be helpful. Candidates include the herb ginkgo biloba (80 mg three times a day) or the nitric-oxide-enhancing amino acid arginine (500 mg L-arginine three times a day). Learning to relax is an effective and risk-free way to enhance your sex life. Meditation, massage or yoga can all help you unwind. Exercise is also an excellent stress-reliever and, along with a heart-healthy diet, promotes blood vessel health. The same health measures that protect the blood vessels to your heart also protect the vascular health of your sex organs.
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