Wednesday, August 19, 2015


It seems we've known about the flu forever, since Hippocrates first described this illness in 412 BC. But only recently has science finally started to unlock the mysteries of influenza and develop medications that can get us back on our feet faster.

What is happening
Influenza (most of us are well enough acquainted with it to call it by its nickname, flu) is caused by one of three strains of viruses. It wasn't until the 1930s that the first flu virus (Type A) was identified, and we now know it as the most common, as well as the most serious. Type B viruses generally produce a milder version of the flu than Type A, and Type C rarely causes illness in humans.
   Flu viruses are highly contagious, entering  your body through your nose or mouth. You can inhale the virus when someone with the flu sneezes or coughs near you, or you can catch it by shaking hands or kissing someone who is still infectious. The virus can live up to three hours outside the body, so you also can pick it up from surfaces such as telephones, handles or shared cups. You're infected when your unwashed hands touch your nose or mouth.
   The good news about the flu is that once you've had a particular strain of the virus, you're immune to it permanently. The not-so-good news is that the viruses constantly transform themselves, so every year there are 
new variations making the rounds. That's why new flu vaccines are developed for every flu season.
  From the time the virus enter your body, it can take up to four days for symptoms to strike. Often it's hard to distinguish flu from the common cold (for differences, see the table on colds). You are most likely to spread the flu to others from the time you first encounter the virus---which means you probably won't even have any symptoms yet --until three or four days after they appear. Flu tends to arrive all at once, with a fever of 38.3 degrees C to 39.5 degrees C the lasts for three to five days, along with headache, chills, dry cough, stuffy nose, sore throat, body aches and loss of apeptite. And it generally takes most people about 10 days to recover.
   The flu season generally runs from May to September, and sometimes into October. An estimated 3 to 3.5 million Austalians and New Zealanders  catch the flu each year, with children two to three times more likely to get it than adults.

  • Antiviral medication within 36 hours of symptom onset to shorten the duration of the infection.
  • Over-the-counter drugs to easy symptoms.
  • Bed rest to allow your body to recuperate from the stress of the infection.
  • Lots of fluids to thin mucus.

  • Do you think one of the new prescription antiviral drugs would help me?
  • I have asthma. Should I get the flu vaccine?
  • How do I know when I've stopped being contagious?
  • How can I keep from spreading the virus to my family?
  • When can I go back to work?

There are medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, that can help you feel better faster and actually cut the duration of the flu by a couple of days. That may not sound like much, but when you are down with the flu, two days can seem like forever. The cornerstone for recovery probably hasn't changed a great deal since Hippocrates: get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. But there are other steps you can take to get faster relief--from making sure you have warm, moist air to breathe to sucking on zinc lonzenges.
  While most people recover from the flu on their own, there are possible serious complications, primarily pneumonia. At greatest risk are the elderly and those with chronic lung conditions. Pneumonia can be caused by a bacteria infection that strikes your flu-weakend lungs, or even by the flu virus itself. Call your doctor if you aren't feeling better after five days, or if, after you start feeling better, you have a sudden relapse.
                                                                     Treatment Options 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Antivirals                                                      Can cut two days off your bout with the flu.
 Decongestants                                             Clear a stuffy nose.
Cough medicines                                          Expectorants or suppressants, as needed
Vaccine                                                            prevents most infections

 Rest                                                                 So your body can heal.
Humidifier and/or vacuum                         Thin and 'washes out' mucus
Lots of fluids                                                    To break up congestion.

 Zinc lozenges                                                    May lessen duration of the flu.
 Eichinacea                                                           Helpful immune-boosting herb.


 Choose mutlivitamins carefully. One study of 79 adults age 65 and older found that those who took a daily multivitamin with no trace minerals (tiny amounts of zinc, copper, iron, magnesium or selenium) received less
protection from their flu vaccine. In choosing a multivitamin, look for one that contains these trace minerals, which can help  boost immunity. Talk with your doctor about which supplement is best for you.
Skip antibiotics. These medications work only against bacteria, and the flu is caused by a virus. However, if you develop a secondary bacterial infection as the result of the flu, anitbiotics may need to be prescribed.

A flu vaccine may reduce the risk of cardiovascular death by 75% among people with heart disease, according to a study in Argentina. Researchers folllowed 301 patients--200  who'd had a heart attack within the previous 72 hours  and 101 who'd had coronary angioplasty. Half were chosen at random to receive a flu shot in addition to other treatment. In the following six months, only 2% of those who received the flu shot died, in contrast to 8% of those who did not.

To benefit from the latest flu-fighting drugs, call your doctor for a prescription at the first sign of symptoms. Two new anti-viral drugs--oseltamivir (Tamiflu), taken orally, and zanamivir (Relenza), a nasal spray---have been proven to reduce the duration of the flu by two days, but only if you start them within the first 36 hours of symptoms appearing. They work against Type A and Type B flu strains. Tamiflu has been approved by the TGA for the treatment of uncomplicated flu for anyone over the age of 1, and for flu prevention in those age 13 and older. Relenza is approved for treatment for those age 7 and older. Just be aware that these medicines are expensive, and not all health insurance plans cover them.
Other medications treat specific symptoms:
  • If you have a stuffy nose, your best over-the-counter option is a decongestant medication containing pseudoephedrine (Sudafed, Demazin)
  • If you have a cough, try cough suppressants that contain dextromethorphan (Robitussin Maximum Strength, Logicin cough mixture) for dry coughs, and expectorants containing guaifenesin to loosen and get rid of thick mucus and sputum.
  • If you have a fever, headache or muscle aches, turn to non-prescription drugs like aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen. For children or adolescents, stick with paracetamol or ibuprofen only.
  • If you have a sore throat, pick up a throat spray containing phenol (such as Vicks Chloraseptic). This will soothe your aching throat quickly, if only temporarily.
  • If you want to avoid contracting the flu, get the influenza vaccine. An annual flu shot will prevent infection in over 70 percent of health adults. The best time for the shot is between April and mid-May each year, to give your immune system one to two weeks to build immunity to the virus.
The vaccine is available free to people over age 65, and to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders over age 50. It is also recommended (though not free) for adults and children with chronic diseases affecting the heart or lungs or that require regular medical follow-up, residents of nursing homes or other long-term care facilities, people with HIV, health-care workers or people who live in households with a person that might fit any of the previous categories.

I hate injections. How else can I take the vaccine?
Unfortunately, an injection is the only way to get the vaccine right now. However, a painless nasal spray is in the works that one day may replace painful flu shots. FluMist, which uses lives influenza virus instead of the killed virus in today's vaccine, has proven effective in protecting against the flu for adults and children. But safety concerns remain, particularly over whether the spray causes interaction problems in young children taking their vaccines, such as those for measles and chickenpox, and whether people with asthma can safely use it.

Lifestyle changes
When the flu hits, doing some or all of the following will ease your symptoms and help you feel better:
  • Get bed rest, preferably in a warm room with good ventilation. Rest is essential to enable your body to recover.
  • Take steamy showers, and let the warm water stream down your face. Or boil a pot of water and inhale the steam. Just let the water cool a bit so it's not too hot to breathe in.
  • Get enough fluids--at least eight 250 ml glasses a day--to help thin out mucus. Have some chicken soup. It can help provide needed nutrients, and the steam aids in clearing congestion.
  • Soothe your sore throat. Try gargling with salt water (dissolve  1/2 teaspoon salt in 1/2 cup warm water) several times a day. And for temporary relief, suck on hard lollies or throat lozenges.
  • Wash your hands frequently to keep from spreading the flu and its misery around. This is especially important after sneezing, blowing your nose or touching your face.
Natural methods
The scientific verdict isn't in yet on zinc lozenges, but there is some evidence that they can relieve symptoms and help cut the duration of the flu. Suck on one lozenge every four hours. You'll that it's working for your particular virus if, after your fourth tablet, your sore throat feels better. The herb echinacea has along been considered an immune-booster, and many believe it can help shorten the duration of the flu. If you use an echinacea product (best taken as a liquid extract or standardised extract in pill form), start taking it at the first sing of the flu, and discontinue using it once you feel better.

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